Dear parents/ carers,
Thank you for your continued support in the process of emerging from lockdown and getting more students into school. There will be more changes ahead as we work towards having pupils in school for longer periods. Staff and students are still working in ‘bubbles’ in school to avoid a school shutdown if positive cases appear in school.
As we work towards operating ‘normally’ the flexible arrangements around dress code that were in place when only a few students attended have ceased. The expectation is that all students attend in full school uniform which is;
Boys: Black school trousers, white shirt or polo top with collar, black v neck jumper or plain black sweatshirt, black shoes or all – black trainers. No ‘named’ or designer logos on any items.
Girls: Black school trousers/ skirt or pinafore with white shirt or polo shirt with collar, black jumper or cardy or sweatshirt. Black shoes or all-black trainers. No ‘named’ or designer logos on any items.
Because we are keeping windows open at all times in some parts of the building to improve ventilation in the colder months, we allow pupils to wear a plain black zipped or buttoned fleece without a hood. If your son/daughter wants to leave that in school to put on when in school over their uniform that is fine. However, the building is much warmer now as the weather improves.
All of the uniform items can be sourced cheaply in the larger supermarkets and uniform stores. We don’t require students to wear blazers or ties.
A reminder that the wearing of a school uniform is compulsory and refusal to wear it could incur sanctions. When your son/daughter started to attend The Acorns School, the signed home school agreement indicates that you and your son/daughter agreed to work with the school and for your son/ daughter to listen to staff and follow the rules which includes the wearing of a uniform.
It is really important that we now provide more structure and support to enable positive learning in school to take place without any distractions after a long period of lockdowns and uncertainty. When we all work together, the likelihood for student success and achievement is increased and that is what we all want as a community of staff parents and students.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or clarification.
Best wishes,
Jane Eccleston,