If you would like to get in touch with The Acorns School, please use the following details:-
The Acorns telephone number is 01695 575486. The school reception opening hours are Monday – Friday 8.00am – 4.00pm. Outside of these hours, please leave a clear message on the answer phone. The message will be picked up the following morning.

If you telephone the school and ask to speak with the relevant person, please note that not all staff have offices or phone extensions and you may have to leave a message with reception. Please ensure that you leave a message with the pupil’s name, pupil’s form, a brief indication of the query, your name and contact details.

Please note that staff often have a full day of lessons timetabled, as well as break / lunch supervision duty, internal and external meetings and training sessions. It may therefore not be possible for a member of staff to return your call or reply to your email on the same day. The Acorns School staff will endeavor to respond to parental queries within 48 hours (covering working days only). Note that any serious safeguarding issue will be dealt with as a priority.

If you would like to request paper copies of school information please contact the school office.

Queries and Complaints

Queries and complaints should be directed in writing to the Headteacher. The school has a complaints procedure, adopted by governors from the local authority model procedure, which is available for parents on request, via;

Mrs Deborah Williams

School Business Manager



Mrs B Harrison

Chair of Governors



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